
Sunday, July 21, 2013

Shanghai: Fu Xing Park and Last Day

Oops, just realized I left out this China blog post. Sorry guys!

I spent much of my last day in China on my own. I went to Fu Xing Park, a large park constantly abuzz with activity. It was the Dragon Boat Festival day, a national holiday, so there were lots of children out of school playing in the park. It was really pleasant people-watching. I saw some old women practicing Tai Chi, lot of old men playing cards and Chinese chess, and even a man writing poetry on the pavement with a long paintbrush dipped in water. Actually, I have no idea if it was poetry. For all I know it could have been loads of curse words. Although I think there would have been a more outrageous response from passerby.

From Fu Xing park I went to the fake market for the final time. This time I bought something. I got some new headphones because I hadn't seen mine in a few days (of course they turned up as soon as I got new ones). I also bought a backpack and a small wallet/purse. I am an awful negotiator and paid too much for these things, but they were still decent prices I think. The lady I bought the backpack from was funny. I said, "It doesn't look very strong." She didn't deny the strength issue and replied with, "Yeah, but it's waterproof." I learned later although it is more protective than the one I got in Japan (which was already falling apart and rubbed on my back poorly), it is not waterproof. Oh China.

Back at the hostel I took my time packing my things and hung out with my new friends. I hadn't checked out in the morning because I accidentally booked too long. My flight to Manila left on June 13, so I booked through the night of June 12th. However, my flight left just after midnight on the 13th, which meant I needed to be at the airport on June 12. By the time I realized my mistake it was too late to get a refund so I just enjoyed not having to check out in the morning.

I had dinner with Johnny then went to the airport. It was easy getting to the airport and I am lucky I left early because it meant I was one of the first people to check in for the flight. When I gave the man my ticket information, however, he asked to see my ticket out of the Philippines. At this point I still wasn't sure how long I wanted to stay in the Philippines and I was undecided on if I was going farther south to Indonesia or if I would continue west to Vietnam. My plan was to just see how I liked the Philippines and go from there. I should have known better. I've got a blog with the entry/exit requirements and it clearly says I need proof of leaving the country in order to enter. I asked the man if there was wifi so I could buy a ticket and he said no, I had to go to the ticket counter around the corner.

Around the corner I bought a plane ticket. Here's how my conversation with the woman went...
Me: Hi, can I buy a ticket out of the Philippines here?
Woman: Yes.
Me: Even if I am not returning to China?
Woman: Yes. Where would you like to go?
Me: *Deciding on the spot* Umm... Indonesia.
Woman: *Smiling. Understanding what my situation is.* Where in Indonesia?
Me: Umm... Bali?
Woman: What date?
Me: *Look at calendar and arbitrarily decide two weeks is enough time* June 26?
Woman: Nothing to Bali on that date.
Me: Really anywhere in Indonesia is fine. Or June 24 or 27. It's not that important.
Woman: *Smiles at this American's irresposibility* Jakarta OK?
Me: Yep. Sounds great. Can I pay with Visa?
Woman: Yes. The total is nine-hundred-thirty-three RMB
Me: Wait! Nine-hun-- oooh, RMB. OK. No probem.

If you're wondering, 933 RMB is approximately $150USD.

I bought the ticket, waited in the queue to check-in again, and went to my gate. If I had not arrived at the airport early I may have missed my flight. As it was I had about twenty minutes to wait at the gate before my flight departed.

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